The Preamble to the Constitution - Goals

The six goals of the Preamble are:

  1. “Form a more perfect Union"

  2. “Establish justice”

  3. “Insure domestic tranquility”

  4. “Provide for the common defense”

  5. “Promote the general welfare”

  6. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”

(Picture on the right)

Lady Justice or Justitia was part of Roman mythology and was one of the four virtues. She was shown as holding a scale and sword; depicting them as the evidence must be weighed on its own merit, and the sword depicts that punishment can be final and harsh. She also wears a blindfold to signify that justice must be served despite whatever status or wealth a person has.

The Preamble does stick to what it says and helps to protect the people's freedom and rights. For example to “Provide for the common defense”, the Army and Navy are provided. This relates to the "Establish Justice" line as we have court and jury systems. To "Form a more perfect Union" the nation has established a monetary system and postal network"